@Component and @Bean do two quite different things, and shouldn’t be confused.

@Component (and @Service and @Repository) are used to auto-detect and auto-configure beans using classpath scanning. There’s an implicit one-to-one mapping between the annotated class and the bean (i.e. one bean per class). Control of wiring is quite limited with this approach, since it’s purely declarative.

@Bean is used to explicitly declare a single bean, rather than letting Spring do it automatically as above. It decouples the declaration of the bean from the class definition, and lets you create and configure beans exactly how you choose.

@COMPONENT If we mark a class with @Component or one of the other Stereotype annotations these classes will be auto-detected using classpath scanning. As long as these classes are in under our base package or Spring is aware of another package to scan, a new bean will be created for each of these classes.

@BEAN @Bean is used to explicitly declare a single bean, rather than letting Spring do it automatically like we did with @Controller. It decouples the declaration of the bean from the class definition and lets you create and configure beans exactly how you choose.

@Component (@Controller @Service @Respository)作用于类上,只有在我们的SpringBoot应用程序启用了组件扫描并且包含了被注解的类时才有效。通过组件扫描,Spring将扫描整个类路径,并将所有@Component注释类添加到Spring Context,这里有的不足就是会把整个类当成bean注册到spring 容器上,如果这个类中并不是所有方法都需要注册为bean的话,会出现不需要的方法都注册成为bean,这时候必须确保这些不需要的方法也能注册为bean或者在扫描中加filter 过滤这些不需要的bean,否者spring将无法成功启动。
